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Sharing the Chinese Dream & Charity Kindles the World Theme Soiree marking the 2013 International Da

時(shí)間:2013-12-04 14:46:17          來(lái)源:CICCC

     The 3rd of December 2013 marked the 22nd International Day of Persons with Disabilities. In order to raise public awareness and attract social attention, the China International Cultural Communication Centre along with the China Charity Project Committee organized the Sharing the Chinese Dream & Charity Kindles the World Theme Soiree with kind support from the China Foundation for Disabled Persons. The event took place at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.


Sharing the Chinese Dream & Charity Kindles the World Theme Soiree marking the 2013       

International Day of Persons with Disabilities held at Beijing on 3rd December. The Party committee

secretary and concurrent executive chairman Long Yuxiang had his speech delivered before the performances   (photo by Long Ren)


    Vice chairman of the 11th National People’s Congress and concurrent chairman of the China International Cultural Communication Centre Isma’il Tiliwaldi attended the event. As he pointed out that for years various and many measures have been taken by the state to improve the disabled persons’ state. Society as a whole ought to work shoulder to shoulder to provide the disabled persons with equal opportunities they need and deserve. Eradicating barriers to social participation, ensuring disable persons play an equal part in every aspect of social affairs. I hope disable persons carry forward the fine traditions of self-respect, self-reliance, confidence and self-supporting, give full play to their talent and strive to make new contribution to the great cause of building a modestly prosperous society.

The renowned vocalist Wu Na entertained the audience with two popular songs, namely A Lake So Blessed and Love in China   (photo by Yuan Fan)


Mini musical Flying displayed the enterprising and indomitable spirit of persons with disabilities and of the human race at large    

(photo by Yuan Fan)


      The Party committee secretary and concurrent executive chairman Long Yuxiang had his speech delivered before the performances. He said, the disabled persons’ welfare is a matter of general concern that requires love, caring, attention and support from every section of society. It needs not only the disable person themselves to make unremitting efforts, but also personages from every walk of life to extend their helping hands, to help, to support, to fill the disabled persons’ life with sunshine and warmness and to better enable them to participate, to enjoy and share with society. Since the 18th National Conference of the CPC, comrade Xi Jinping has raised the grand goal of building a modestly prosperous society. It our responsibility to join hand in hand with each other, sound or handicapped, to build a better world and bring benefit to everyone. Only when we work together, the great goal of national renewal is achievable. International Day of Persons with Disabilities is an international observance promoted by the United Nations since 1992. This year’s theme is Break Barriers, Open Doors: for an inclusive society and development for all. The theme Soiree was opened up with a dance named My Future Is Not Only a Dream presented by the China Charity Art Troupe along with Beijing Calls of the Heart Art Troupe. Dancers played a graceful and perfect tribute to their hopes of fulfilling their dreams and building up a beautiful future. The renowned vocalist from the PLA General Political Department Art Troupe, winner of CCTV Singing Contest for the Youth Folk Music First Award and China Musicians Association Golden Bell Award Wu Na entertained the audience with two popular songs, namely A Lake So Blessed and Love in China conveying love to the great motherland and confidence to achieve the Chinese Dream and to build a stronger nation. Another program carried out by the China Charity Art Troupe along with Beijing Calls of the Heart Art Troupe, mini musical Flying, displayed the enterprising and indomitable spirit of persons with disabilities and of the human race at large. Winner of the 2009 National Model of Self-reliance Honorary Title Lei Qingyao praised the disabled persons with their self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance and self-supporting with a song, The Tangible Wings. Persons of visual disabilities, Champion of the 2007 and 2009 CCTV Start Boulevard Yang Guang and Liu Sai presented the listeners with songs You Changed the World and Listen to the World successively. The might be disabled to some extent; however they are also entitled to explore the world, to search into and to talk with it. A modern dance The Blossom Lives was performed by 21 dancers averaged under 17. It depicted their unyielding determination in improving themselves, in becoming stronger and never lower their head in the face of bad luck. An Indian and a Dunhuang style dance impressed the audience with the pure, sincere and pious ode to nature. Besides, local and foreign artists greatly amused the attendees with other classical items including the Three Auspicious Treasures, The Moon Represents My Heart and Katyusha. The party reached its climax with a chorus, Love among Us, leading by celebrated singer Yao Hong and disabled musician Yang Guang. The entire arrangement promotes the main theme of the time with harmonious and moving ambience, which opened up before our eyes the precious style and features of the disabled community, who have been making unremitting efforts to improve themselves and keep forge ahead with great courage in the face of all kinds of sufferings and hardships. The party came as a result of unification, mutual-supporting and devotion of every section of society. It was artistically notable and has proved to be a great charity gathering to open up minds, purify hearts and elevate sentiments.


The young singer Zhou Lizhen from Chuxiong, Yunnan province    (photo by Yuan Fan)


      A donation of 880 thousands has been made by philanthropists in support of the welfare of the disabled persons after the performances. The function attracted an audience of 1000 plus. Vice chairman of the CICCC Sha Zukang, Secretary-general Cao Yumin, Art director Zhang Zongyin, Publicity Department Director-general Xiao Ping, General Office director Zuo Jinling also attended it.

A Dunhuang style dance impressed the audience with the pure, sincere and pious ode to nature    (photo by Yuan Fan)


The dance depicted their unyielding determination in improving themselves, in becoming stronger and never lowers their head in the face of bad luck   (photo by Yuan Fan)


Vice chairman of the 11th National People’s Congress and concurrent chairman of the China International Cultural Communication Centre Isma’il Tiliwaldi , The Party committee secretary and concurrent executive chairman Long Yuxiang, Vice chairman of the CICCC Sha Zukang attended it and gave out Honorary certificate to the philanthropist    (photo by Long Ren)


The party hosted by Beijing TV host Chun Ni, CCTV special host Julien, the central people's broadcasting station host Dong Lina and sign language host Xue Yun    (photo by Yuan Fan)