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Long Yuxiang visits the Republic of Korea (ROK)

時間:2013-05-14 11:02:36          來源:CICCC

       Following the invitation of South Korean National Assembly Speaker Kang Chang-hee, Executive Chairman Long Yuxiang of China International Cultural Communication Center (CICCC) led a delegation, departing on the 7th of May, to a five-day goodwill visit to the ROK where extensive consultations to strengthen multi-level and multi-channel Sino-Korean cultural exchange and cooperation were conducted.

Executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang visits ROK from May 7 at the invitation of its National Assembly Speaker Kang Chang-hee   

( photo by Yuan Fan )




Long Yuxiang meets with the ROK National Assembly Speaker Kang Chang-hee at the National Assembly Tower on 8 May  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


      During the visit, Long Yuxiang met and spoke in succession with the following people: the Speaker of the National Assembly Kang Chang-hee; the former Deputy Speaker Hong Side; the Democratic Party of Korea’s National Assembly representative Lee Kang-to; the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Yoo Jin-ryong; the National Assembly members Chu Ho-young and Kim Jang-sil; the Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Moon-soo; the Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation delegate Ohm Ki-young; Seoul’s mayor Park Won-soon; Incheon’s mayor Song Young-gil; the South Korean Ambassador to China Kwon Young-se and the Chinese Ambassador to South Korea Zhang Xinsen. He also visited the Songdo Global University campus, MIDAN New City, the headquarters of Samsung Group and Incheon Culture Park Complex.

Former speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Hong Sa-Duk meets with the Chinese Delegation    ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Long Yxuaing meets with Former speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Hong Sa-Duk  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


     In the morning of May 8th, Long Yuxiang and National Assembly Speaker Kang Chang-hee met at a presence chamber in the National Assembly Building where they exchanged views on the situation of the Korean peninsula, Sino-Korean cultural exchange, the stability of inter-Korean relations and other issues of common concern. First of all, Long Yuxiang extended greetings to National Assembly Speaker Kang Chang-hee on behalf of NPC Vice-Chairman and CICCC Chairman Isma’il Tiliwaldi,as well as 1st Vice-Chairman Tang Tianbiao. He said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea 21 years ago, both countries have maintained a favorable development momentum promoting amongst others extensive political, economical, cultural, educational and scientific exchange and communication. He then went on saying that he himself has been engaged in working for Sino-Korean communication on a long-term basis and that he has successively been to South Korea 33 times. One of his major achievements was the introduction of the South Korean TV series “Dae Jang Geum” to the Chinese audience, sparking off a great mass fervor for South Korean TV series which contributed to a deeper understanding of South Korea in China. This time he came to the Republic of Korea with the anticipation of enhancing relations between both countries through a more extensive, multi-level, multi-channel cultural exchange in order to boost joint development. Explaining that the situation of the Korean peninsula was an issue of common concern for the world as a whole and hoping that South Korea and North Korea would remain rational and level-headed doing their utmost to avoid conflict since military force would only bring pain and suffering on both sides, Long Yuxiang pointed out that cultural exchange on the other hand could ease contradiction and enhance friendship. Speaker of ROK National Assembly Kang Chang-hee expressed that he was very happy to welcome CICCC Executive Chairman Long Yuxiang and his delegation in South Korea, feeling that Long was an old friend of the Republic. At the same time he also felt as China’s old friend, having traveled there more than ten times. When he was Minister of Environmental Protection, he met with then Vice-President Xi Jinping and then Vice-Prime Minister Li Keqiang and other top Chinese government officials. According to him high-level as well as civil exchanges have been very frequent and have also much accomplished since the establishment of Sino-Korean diplomatic relations. With every year more than 5 to 7 million Chinese traveling to South Korea, the ROK especially valued the Sino-Korean youth exchange: so far the number of Chinese and South Korean exchange students has reached the 70,000 mark and the South Korean government was looking forward to the fruition of Sino-Korean friendship among young people of both nations. Kang Chang-hee said that at present the situation on the Korean peninsula was very tense and that China’s role in preserving peace was becoming increasingly important. The ROK hopes to maintain cooperative relations with China, so that both countries can jointly safeguard peace on the peninsula and ensure sustainable economic development.

Long Yuxiang presents the Democratic Party of Korea’s National Assembly representative Lee Kang-to with gift  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Long Yuxiang meets with Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the ROK Yoo Jin-yong on 9th May     ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Long Yuxiang presents Yoo Jin-ryong with gift  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Chinese delegation meets the National Assembly members Chu Ho-young,  Long Yuxiang presents Chu Ho-young with gift    ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Chinese delegation meets the National Assembly members Kim Jang-sil. Long Yuxiang presents Kim Jang-sil with gift     ( photo by Yuan Fan )


      In the morning of May 9th, Long Yuxiang held talks with the South Korean Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Yoo Jin-ryong where both sides carried out concrete consultation on multi-level and multi-channel cultural exchange. Long Yuxiang expressed that both China and South Korea had a long historical standing, attaching great importance to traditional culture and the heritage and development of classical culture. He was hoping that through Sino-Korean cultural exchange the respective exquisite essence of culture could be identified in order to further enhance mutual cultural understanding. South Korean TV series, animation movies, video games and soccer were already highly influential while being very popular and loved by the Chinese audience. Yoo Jin-ryong had the opinion that Sino-Korean cultural exchange had both a favorable foundation and an expansive prospect, expressing that China and South Korea indeed needed to amplify cultural exchanges and cooperation; bearing in mind that culture was the soul of a nation, of a people. In his opinion historical development will shift to the East and it is difficult to become a world power with merely economic development, but without the recognition of the importance of culture. He was hoping that by establishing a long-lasting relationship of cultural exchange and cooperation with CICCC, wide-ranging long-term cultural exchanges between China and South Korea could be launched. Cultural communication can act as a bridge between both countries with the benefit of further strengthening friendship and sustainable economic development.

Group photo of Governor of Gyeonggi Province Kim Moon-soo and Chinese Delegation after meeting   ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Executive Chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang shakes hands with Governor of Gyeonggi Province Kim Moon-soo   ( photo by Yuan Fan )


      In the afternoon of May 8th, the delegation paid a visit to the Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation and held a deep and comprehensive discussion with the representative of the consortium Ohm Ki-young about matters concerning Sino-Korean cultural exchange and cooperation. In the evening, Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Moon-soo met with the delegates and held a welcome dinner for them. As a leader of the Saenuri Party, Kim Moon-soo is very concerned with the situation on the Korean peninsula and is particularly hoping that China assumes the heavy responsibility of safeguarding the peninsula while playing a key role in this undertaking. Long Yuxiang frankly expressed that China wished to maintain peace on the peninsula and was willing to work towards achieving this goal. As a precondition he named the cooperation of South Korea which implies the following two points: First of all, the frequent military exercises of the USA and South Korea are not conducive to peace on the peninsula. The US-ROK military should level out in order to forestall the interpolation of North Korean gunfire. Secondly, South Korea should show sincerity in maintaining peace on the peninsula which means to distance itself from the USA and to refrain from saber-rattling, as well as the creation of disturbances. Force of arms would only bring pain and suffering to both sides; the zealous promotion of cultural exchange on the other hand could ease contradiction, enhance friendship, bury the hatchet and turn swords into plowshares. Since South Korean and North Korean culture share the same ancestral and roots; unleashing the power of culture will exert positive effects regarding the easement of tension on the peninsula.

Mayor of Seoul Park Won-soon meets with Chinese delegation and has photo taken   ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Long Yuxiang presents Mayor of Seoul Park Won-soon with gift   ( photo by Yuan Fan )


      In the afternoon of May 9th, Long Yuxiang met with Seoul’s mayor Park Won-soon at the mayor’s office. Firstly, he congratulated Park Won-soon on his high-ticket election as mayor of Seoul. Long Yuxiang said that Seoul is one of the outstanding cities recognized by the United Nations, no matter if it is concerning urban environment or ecological protection; this city is top-ranking in the world. CICCC hopes that it can intensify exchanges and cooperation with Seoul during Park Won-soon’s time as mayor. The mayor attaches importance to Buddhist culture and CICCC is willing to act as a bridge, making great efforts to organize Buddhism conventions and to expedite harmonious development. At the same time, Long Yuxiang is sure that Park Won-soon will come up with new initiatives concerning cultural, economic, scientific, technological, educational and other exchanges. CICCC is willing to create conditions for South Korean artists to visit China and organize economic forums. Furthermore, the center very much welcomes South Korean entrepreneurs to invest in China, offering consultation and facilitation services for various aspects. Park Won-soon expressed that this year sees the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Beijing and Seoul as sister cities and he hopes that during his term as mayor he can witness both cities to launch exchange and cooperation in the best way. Apart from economic exchanges, the mayor also values cultural, scientific, technological and educational exchanges. He rejoices in Sino-Korean youth exchanges and welcomes expeditions of Chinese civil servants to visit the ROK. Furthermore, he particularly welcomes increasing high-level artistic exchange allowing Seoul’s citizens to enjoy Chinese artistic performances with a high standard. The city will very happily provide performance venues and various facilitations. That afternoon, the delegation also drove to Incheon City, meeting with its mayor Song Young-gil. Right now Incheon is in a period of rapid growth regarding its economical development: The city is vigorously planning and preparing the creation and opening up of the high-speed international passenger ferry route between Baengnyeong-do Yonggipo port and China Shandong Province’s Rongcheng City; constructing the Northeast Asia International Leisure City named MIDAN New City and building Songdo Global University campus. Song Young-gil personally introduced the general ideas of above-mentioned projects and warmly welcomed the delegates to inspect the sites. At the same time he aspires to CICCC’s help in introducing advanced talents and projects in the culture, education, technology and science domain. Long Yuxiang said in this meeting that China and South Korea are geographically close and that the culture is alike. As close neighbors there are naturally frequent exchanges and visits between relatives. MIDAN New City is going to include a China Culture Street and CICCC will vigorously support and provide assistance in this project, helping to recommend and introduce unique traditional Chinese culture projects. The center is also thinking about creating a Sino-Korean cultural communication center on the Songdo Global University campus where Chinese painting and calligraphy exhibitions, as well as cultural lectures can be held on a regular basis. CICCC has the means to invite and introduce China’s top-ranking artists and to showcase their works and artistic heritage in order to facilitate and promote Sino-Korean cultural exchange. These are all great visions and projects and Long Yuxiang is looking forward to seeing them become a reality as soon as possible. The talks were carried out in a friendly atmosphere and Song Young-gil offered the poem “Farewell to a Friend” as a present to Long Yuxiang who then gave a poem in return: “We have been close neighbors separated by only a strip of water; it takes merely one day to visit you and to come back. It was an enjoyable meeting and I wish only a sooner reunion, for greater development is realized if only we join hand in hand.”

Chinese delegation meet with Mayor of Incheon Mr. Song Young-gil on 9th May afternonn   ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Executive Chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang meets and exchanges views on issues culture education and technology with Mr. Song Young-gil   

( photo by Yuan Fan )



Long Yuxiang presents the ROK ambassador to China Kwon Young-se with souvenir  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Chinese delegation meets with China ambassador to ROK Zhang Xinsen, Executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang presents Zhang Xinsen with gift 

( photo by Yuan Fan )


Chinese delegation presents Zhang Xinsen with gift  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


      In the morning of May 10th, the delegation visited the headquarters of Samsung Group where Samsung’s Vice President warmly welcomed each member and introduced them to Samsung Group’s history of development. The delegation was then invited to visit the group’s product exhibition hall where further vigorous discussions about exchanges and cooperation were conducted. On the same evening, the Chinese Ambassador to South Korea Zhang Xinsen hosted a welcome banquet for Long Yuxiang and the party around him where he listened to Long Yuxiang’s debriefing about this time’s visit, regarding it as a great success. He said that the relationship between China and South Korea is in reality extremely sensitive and complex. It is a requirement that CICCC does a good job concerning Sino-Korean cultural communication. Seeking further exchanges and cooperation with the ROK will benefit the enhancement of mutual understanding and friendship, as well as the promotion of easing and stabilizing the situation on the Korean peninsula. He assessed the center’s work that has already been done so far as extraordinarily zealous and beneficial.

The Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation delegate Ohm Ki-young meets with Chinese delegation   ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Long Yuxiang presents Ohm Ki-young with souvenir  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Chinese delegation visits MIDAN New City   ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Chinese delegation visits Incheon Culture Park Complex  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


       China International Cultural Communication Center Publicity Department Director Xiao Ping, Science Department Director Zhong Faping and Hong Kong Commissioner Wong Hei Tang accompanied Long Yuxiang on his visit.

Chinese delegation visits Songdo Global University campus  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Chinese delegation visits Samsung Group  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Chinese delegation visits the group’s product exhibition hall  ( photo by Yuan Fan )