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Executive Chairman Long Yuxiang meets with DPRK Ambassador to China Chi Chae-yong

時(shí)間:2013-01-09 11:13:53          來(lái)源:CICCC

      Executive Chairman of China International Cultural Communication Center (CICCC) Long Yuxiang met with the Ambassador of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to China Chi Chae-yong (Ji Jao Ryong) in Beijing on January 1st 2013. The two sides discussed a wide range of subjects including cultural, educational, trade and economic development and cooperation.

      Long Yuxiang introduced CICCC’s general situation and reported on the DPRK National Art Troupe’s China tour. Long said that the year 2013 marked the 63rd anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic ties between China and the DPRK. This year also represents a significant year for the development of the relationship between the two nations. Cultural exchanges have wielded great influence at every stage of the relationship and have offered strong support to the healthy advancement of the friendship between the two. For many years, as ambassador of cultural exchange and bridge of friendship, CICCC made a considerable contribution to Sino-DPRK cultural communication and cooperation. Long expressed the hope that under the new leadership, China and the DPRK will fully implement the agreements made by leaders of both sides, making sustained efforts to further strengthen cultural communication and cooperation in order to uphold and develop the good neighborly friendship established by the veteran revolutionaries, further pushing the ties forwards.

     Chi Chae-yong voiced his gratitude for the efforts and contribution made by CICCC to the DPRK National Art Troupe’s China tour. He also hoped that collaboration would be deepened in the future and that more cultural exchanges would be carried out. Furthermore, Chi stated that North Korea’s culture was better spread and bilateral ties were strengthened through cooperation. The government and the people of DPRK attach great importance to artistic and cultural exchange with other countries. Korean national art has developed considerably over the past years under the strong leadership of all previous leaders of DPRK. Besides, the country has focused its attention on globalizing its arts. They have sent students and art troupes to study and to perform in China, Russia, Austria and many others regions. Furthermore, they have been striving for the creation of more opportunities to promote cooperation with educational organizations from developing countries in order to foster more talents, which will in turn enable the country to advance its arts, to broaden its collaboration and communication with other nations and to move forward the friendship between both. Chi expressed his hope that exchanges and cooperation between the two in the fields of culture, education and economy will be further deepened and strengthened.

     The cultural attaché from the DPRK Embassy attended the event.

Executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang meets with the Ambassador of the DPRK to China Chi Chae-yong in Beijing on January 8th 2013

( photo by Long Ren )


The two sides discussed a wide range of subjects including culture, educational, trade and economic development and cooperation  

( photo by Long Ren )


Executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang presents gifts to the DPRK leader King Jong-on  ( photo by Long Ren )