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Shu Yong and His Society Art Exhibition opens in Beijing

時(shí)間:2012-12-10 10:55:58          來源:CICCC

     Jointly organized by the China International Cultural Communication Center (CICCC), Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and other units, “Shu Yong and His Society’’ Art Exhibition was opened at Poly Art Museum in Beijing on December 8 2012. The exhibition features Shu Yong’s latest creation including ink and wash painting, oil painting, sculpture and other works. Along with his paintings, documents showing his life experience and artistic exploration overy the last two decades were also put on display.


Hu Yanlin, Fu Tinggui, Zhou Benshun, Sha Zukang, Long Yongtu, Long Yuxiang. Attend the opening ceremony and cut the ribbon  ( photo by Long Ren )


      Member of standing committee of the National People’s Congress, Deputy director of Law Committee of NPC, concurrent vice chairman of CICCC Hu Yanlin, Deputy director of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Fu Tinggui, Secretary-general of Central Committee of Politics and Law Zhou Benshun, Secretary-general of the sustainable development summit of the United Nations Sha Zukang, Secretary-general of Boao Forum for Asia Long Yongtu, Party group secretary and concurrent Executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang, head of the Discipline Inspection department of the General Political Department of PLA Wang Bingshan, Director of China Astronaut Research and Training Center Chen Shanguang, chairman of the board of the China Poly Group Corporation Chen Hongsheng, attended the opening ceremony and cut the ribbon for the exhibition.


Member of standing committee of the National People’s Congress, Deputy director of Law Committee of NPC concurrent vice chairman of CICCC Hu Yanlin addresses  ( photo by Long Ren )


      Hu Yanlin addressed the opening ceremony, he said, Mr. Shu Yong was regarded as a role model devoting himself to art. His works contained his rich life experiences, also embodying his personal experience on and the historical process of China's social advancement. They showed magnificence and elegance of the taste of the artist and his very pursuit of art. Besides, these works fully demonstrated Mr. Shu Yong social ideals and aesthetic realm. When wandering in the gallery, in front of his creation, we could strongly feel Shu Yong’s deep self-exploration and self-reflection. He took as his mission of the artist to combine art with charity, with environmental protection, with social responsibility. All his artistic creations illustrated a wide scope of spiritual exploration, a variety of formation, which were barely seen in the field of contemporary art.

Shu Yong and distinguished guests  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


Executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang engaged in activities  ( photo by Yuan Fan )


     The famous art critic, Mr. Shao Dazhen commented at the opening ceremony by saying that artists of contemporary time need to have a comprehensive cultivation, such as painting, sculpture, photography and so on, so that must a reasonable and greater achievements would be expected. Shu Yong’s works have a wide range, from ink painting, oil painting, sculpture, and photography and some with design elements work. I figured out a prominent significance in that when look at his work. His works integrate those aesthetic concepts such as noble, elegant with that of absurd, repressed, satire, making a meaningful combine. Their aesthetic category is extensive and broad. Surely there is need to praise the noble side of life and society, but of course, the other side should also be taken care of. Shu Yong makes very positive contribute in this sense. His works may well prove very useful and helpful to the society.


The exhibits  ( photo by Long Ren )


      General Manager of China Poly Group Corporation Jiang Yingchun, Head of Changsha Meilu Art Museum Peng Yong, Deputy Mayor of the People’s Government of Huaihua Wang Hui delivered their speeches successively. Secretary-general of CICCC Dai Shugao, Art director of CICCC Zhang Zhongyin, Tai Hesheng, Associate dean of International Xizhi Calligraphy & Painting Institute Jia Fang, Vice chairman of China Red Calligraphy & Painting Association Zhang Hehui, Vice chairman of China General Calligraphy & Painting Li Wangbin, famous painter Ding Guanjia, Gu Hong and personage form the circle of culture, art, press and other guest together attend the opening ceremony.