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CICCC to organize study on the 18th Report

時間:2012-11-12 10:18:13          來源:CICCC

       According to Song Bihong, Zhang Xiaofan, Li Peishu: the 18th CPC National Congress was hold at Beijing, China International Cultural Communication Center (CICCC) organized its staff to watch the opening ceremony of the Congress, and to study on the report delivered by President Hu Jintao on behalf of the 17th CPC Central Committee. Members of staff participated in this activity shared the view that the report is constructed from a strategically advantageous position, with very clear theme and profound implications. It retained the fundamental principles of scientific socialism, answering explicitly the questions as the following: what banner this country holds? Which path this country takes? And with what attitude will this the nation united together to meet these challenges? What are the common goals? Party group secretary and concurrently Executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang shared his opinion with the staff in the following discussion, he said: President Hu Jintao’s report scientifically judge the domestic and international status, making a brilliant summary of the past, systematically explaining the core issues such as the reasons to insist and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, raise clearly the new goals for building up a comparatively well off society and deepening all round reform and opening up, deploying comprehensively further development in terms of economy, politics, culture, as well as social ecology advancement.

      President Hu also posed new targets for the whole party work on in the next stage. It proved to be a very encouraging report. All members of staff agreed that the most meaningful step for us to take in the future is to push forward the theoretical innovation based on our day to day practice; adhering to development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, raising through our work new thoughts, new theories, inventing new ideas, thus forming and fulfill scientific concept of development. To encompass scientific concept of development as the basic guiding principle of the party means the development of modern China and the basic value of Marxism has been integrated as a whole by the party. Besides, the basic law of the development of human society alongside the improvement of people’s living standard has also become indispensable parts of the guiding principle, which showed clear that there is major breakthrough in the administrative thoughts as well advancement in capacity to govern.

      The report stressed on the sturdy promotion of a socialist culturally strong nation as well as peace and development for all human races. Members of staff are hugely encouraged by the report and spirit carries by it. They claimed that President Hu regarded culture as the blood vessels of a nation, as the spiritual home for the people, as the soul of the Five in One plan. We will surely match alongside this theme, devote ourselves in the building of a culturally advanced society, enrich the socialist cultural life of the people, join in the effort of protecting the peoples basic cultural rights, of move the people’s quality of morality and culture towards a higher level, spread international cultural influence and enhance soft power of the nation. In the past decades, CICCC has made itself felt in ensuring national security, in training personnel for organizations functioning aboard. We will make further effort to play our part to a better stage, insisting in basic principles of friendly exchanges, and further enhancing cooperation with other countries and regions, particular with developing countries. We will forever be the friend trustworthy partner of developing nations. We will safeguard our interests when carried out activities aboard; we will try our best to create a favourable exterior environment for development of our nation.